Thursday, April 10, 2014

Cosmology and Reason

                             Galaxy Cluster                            

Introduction.    The Cosmological Redshift (CRS) has to be explained as other than a Doppler effect.  This I have done by showing that the redshift is generated in the electro-magnetic waves as they move through space.  The Galaxy Clusters (GC) are presented as the dynamos that, under the influence of gravity, drive everything, including providing a mechanism that causes galactic renewal.  Our Universe is seen as a tiny fragment in an infinite and eternal State of Existence.  The ideas presented in this paper are new but were developed using evidence generally available in the books on astronomy, including especially some thoughts from Halton Arp, Vera Rubin, and Ayn Rand.  Something from/to Nothing is ruled out.

From Ayn Rand comes the axiomatic concept of “Existence”.  Existence Exists. From this we may conclude that if Existence exists here it must exist everywhere.  It stretches outward in all directions and is therefore Infinite.  If Existence exists here now it must have come from a past eternity and presumably will last another eternity.  It is Eternal.  There can be no juxtaposition of Existence with non-Existence (out there somewhere) either in time or in space.  And, finally, if Existence is here now, after an eternity of burning, there must be some mechanism at work that results in a 100% efficient self-renewal of all the mass and energy in Existence.  This State of Existence, this Cosmos, is the goal for this cosmological study.

An Expanding Universe?  Nonsense. The CRS has been the cause of a lot of rather strange hypotheses, which there’s no need to get into, except to point out that it is the CRS observed in the light coming to us from distant galaxies that needed, and  needs, explaining, a CRS that becomes greater as distance to the observed object increases.  It was decided, by most scientists some 80 years ago, that this was a Doppler effect indicating that the distant galaxies were all receding from us.  What was presented to the world, by the astrophysicists to explain this was a Big Bang to start the galaxies on their way.

An experiment in the laboratory showed that one could generate a redshift in the light of a laser simply by passing the light through a pipe with its ends covered with glass and by increasing the air density in the pipe by pumping air into it at a constant rate.  This increase in the density caused ever more waves to be captured within the pipe.  This resulted in fewer waves exiting the pipe, per second, than were entering it.  A Redshift!  But only while the air density was being increased!  It is obvious that the technique used in this experiment will not be found in space, but it does demonstrate an alternative method for red shifting, and is seen as a microcosm of space. 

See setup below:

The mirrors and photo diode and oscilloscope allow the input and output frequencies to be compared so that any difference in frequency may be seen on the oscilloscope.  They may be removed and the laser fed directly into the pipe.  Now, if a second similar apparatus, with its pipe being pressurized at the same rate as the first, was entered by the laser beam exiting the first pipe, it would act on the redshifted light to redshift the light even more.  Similarly for a third pipe, and a fourth one, etc.  The redshift would be compounded by the number of pipes cascaded.  This compounding of redshifted light  would obtain by having a single pipe of much greater length.

So, what is needed is a medium in space that is increasing in density at a constant rate, then, it too would develop a redshift in traveling light by constantly compounding the effect.  All this without the Source moving away from the Observer. 

To borrow a financial equation used in compounding interest seemed appropriate, only we’d have to use a negative rate of change:  Fo = Fs (1-R)t .  (Or, in that we’ll be using an R that is extremely small and a t that is extremely large, then Fo = Fs e-Rt may be more appropriate.)  The F’s are the Source and Observer frequencies, with R being the rate of change, per second,  and t being the total time of travel.

The Medium.  Throughout our Universe are the Galaxy Clusters (GC’s), great aggregations of galaxies with perhaps as many as 5,000 galaxies in each cluster.  In addition to the galaxies is their Dark Mass (DM).  The galaxies and their DM, in these GC’s, are all bound together by gravity, with the center of each cluster having a giant spiral galaxy, a Seyfert, with all the various masses being drawn into its core. 
Surrounding the Seyfert are the thousands of galaxies including their gases, of course, but also with their Dark Mass (discovered by Vera Rubin, and others), a mass being completely transparent.  [This DM, which extends throughout the universe, is the medium that gives space its substance, which therefore permits it to have the observed  permeability (µ) and permittivity (ɛ), but also gives it the means by which the waves of  light may move.]
As these various masses are being slowly drawn inward by gravity, they are becoming steadily denser and more compressed.  It also provides the medium that we needed for our experiment, that continually increasing in density and produces the CRS, a red-shift that increases in a compound fashion as the wave travels from a distant Sources to an Observer.  It is also a medium that is constantly being replaced with less-dense mass as it moves inward from the outlying regions of the GC towards the core of the Seyfert.

Galaxy Cluster.  The following drawing is a rough study of such a GC.  Several things may be inferred from this drawing.  The DM is far denser towards the central Seyfert galaxy than in the outlying regions.  The Milky Way (MW) is one of the galaxies (in its own GC), possibly at a half-way point.  As the DM appears to be the medium that controls the speed of light, we should expect light to travel much slower near to the Seyfert than at the outskirts of the GC.  The 3^8 meters/second speed of light is read on Earth, i.e., in the Milky Way.  Therefore the speed of light is constant only on Earth!

Disposing of the Masses entering the Seyfert.    A GC, with its central Seyfert galaxy would be an ideal feed for a Black Hole, if there were such a thing. Halton Arp spent a lot of his time as an Astronomer observing the sky.  Of the peculiar objects he studied were the Quasars.  He discovered that Quasars appeared to be emerging from the Seyfert galaxies (see above drawing) at two Quasars every 7.5 billion years.  These two appear to be similar to each other, but show up on opposite sides of the Seyfert. Furthermore, he also found that these Quasars emerged at a very high speed, and that they slowly evolved into full fledged galaxies!

So we have mass being continuously drawn into the Seyfert galaxy and mass continuously leaving the same galaxies, presumably at the same rate.  And, as we roughly know the mass of a galaxy, we have a means for calculating the rate that the Universe is replacing itself:  Two new galaxies (Quasars) every 7.5 billion years per GC times the number of GC’s in our Universe.  See below:

The Gravitational Lens In addition to generating the CRS, the gravity of a GC compresses the DM into the shape of a massive Luneburg Lens, within itself.  Such a lens functions as shown below.  Note that a great many foci may be in use at the same time. The foci we are concerned with is those where the Observers are.     

Our Spectrums When we look at the sky and take the spectra of the galaxies the light we see is from nearby galaxies, having a visible spectrum that peaks at about 6 x 1014 hertz.  If we take this frequency as the Source frequency (Fs) of anything we look at, and the redshifted frequency of that seen by the Observer (Fo), with t being whatever is  chosen we can calculate R using the equations found on page 3.

The Conclusion We have a Universe that has no bounds.  It would logically seem that this ocean of GC’s goes on forever!  And, if it wasn’t suddenly created by God, it must have existed, and will exist, for all time.  As to how it came about, the axiom at the beginning of this paper tell it all.  Existence Exists.  This State of Existence must be infinite and eternal!  It is in such an Existence that our present Universe is not even a tiny fragment, but towards which our Cosmological studies should be directed.  

And for the SETI folk:

What will we find in those far off places?
Strange looking people with strange looking faces?
Most assuredly so for in those infinite brews
There’s an infinite amount of whatever you choose.

James B. Wright.  4/8/14           

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